Alright. We made it to the Northern Territory! Out of WA and all that hot desert once and for all! It is still quite hot, but now we've added in the all too necessary element, water. It's the wet season in these parts, so I guess the cyclone warning is high. We haven't seen anything that even meets the tropical storm standards of New England, but we've heard of bigger. We both really like it up here, at least in comparison. It's tropical, lush and green. I'll post a few photos here.
Lovely seashells....

A little butterfly decided to hitch a ride around with Nathan for a little while.

Victoria River, I think.
A boab. From here we head to Kakadu National Park. We put some new tires on the car (burned through the last set of fronts due to gross misalignment), everything else on ol' Red is going strong. The mystery problem hasn't come back. Kakadu is pretty huge. If you google it, you'll find some gorgeous photos, far more beautiful than either of us can take. Kakadu will take us at least a few days, but we may take a little longer if it's nice. I hear it's great for bush camping. After Kakadu, I think we head to Cooktown, but we haven't fully decided yet. We just have to be in Brisbane in time to get our visa's to Viet Nam and in Melbourne in time to catch our plane. Alright, hope this was a sufficient update. We're safe, cars running.Love, Nate and Dy